Welcome to your QUANTIFIERS 3

1. I know that I drink ______ coffee every day. I should stop drinking it that much.

2. ______ of my friends recognized him, but I did.

3. He hasn’t visited ____ foreign countries so far.

4. If I had ____ money, I would give you ____ of it.

5. _____ of the doors was painted yesterday, but ____ of the walls weren’t.

6. I got ____ upset because ____ of the information was not worth having.

7. Could you please tell us ____ about studying abroad?

8. Not ___ of the workers went outside. ____ of them stayed and ate with the managers.

9. I’d be so glad if you showed some _____ consideration for my siblings.

10. She wants ___ dresses, but the red one is too expensive for her, so she’ll buy _____.

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