Welcome to your ADVERBIAL CLAUSE 2

1. ______ his brothers, he is blonde and green- eyed.

2. The dinner will be over _____ they get here.

3. Nowadays, most single parents are ____ divorced ____ separated.

4. ____ the 80’s, skinny leg trousers were very popular and my father had one.

5. What would you say to him _____ he was here?

6. He wants to retire as soon as possible ____ he can spend more time with his grandchildren.

7. You will never know ____ you try.

8. The hotel is ____ inexpensive ____ comfortable. You should definitely go there together.

9. The boss is determined to find out who the rat is _____ how long it takes.

10. He is not in the mood at all, _____ you’d better be more patient while talking to him.

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